Josie Clough through the LOFFT LENS

Presenting Co-Founder & Creative Director of It's Now Cool Swim Josie Clough through the LOFFT LENS.

What/Who inspires you?
Everything about the 90's. The 90's photographers, models, swimsuits, movies... it's a whole thing!
Travel location you are dreaming about?
I would love to go back to Palm Springs in the US, New York again, a European summer! Basically anywhere... Lockdown has been crazy. It would be amazing to be able to explore the world again!
Your favourite hidden gem?
Rottnest Island in Western Australia! Most beautiful place in the world!

What are you currently binging?
I recently binged the Queen's Gambit which I loved! I'm a closet legal thriller reader and love Grisham.
What does comfort mean to you?
Comfort to me is being at home with my family, sitting in front of an open fire and fresh linen sheets!
A cause you are passionate about?
We are currently involved with the 1% For The Planet organization. We are working closely with Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef to help preserve this Australian wonder. Along with moving our brand towards more sustainable practices within all touch points of our business.
Your career highlight to date?
The Sports Illustrated cover with Camille Kostek
Quote to live by?
Hugely cliche but - That which does not kill us makes us stronger.